Hello and welcome to my website. Let me tell you a little about me and why you should feel confident working with me.
I received my bachelor's degree in Moral Education and my master's degree in Educational Leadership. I have been working as an Educational Consultant for the past 20 years.
I'm an internationally recognized presenter, trainer and instructor specializing in Mindfulness Education and Kids Yoga Teacher Training. I began my career in the early childhood classroom and then created and implemented educationally based and yoga inspired programming that has resonated with school leaders, educators, parents and children.
In my work with educators I advocate, nurture and support teacher learning, development and growth. With a focus on mindfulness in the classroom, successful classroom management, teacher social emotional competence, as well as student social emotional development my track record shows I know what it takes to make a good teacher great and a great teacher even greater.
I founded and directed Nesheemah Yoga Center (breath in Hebrew). Outgrowths of the yoga center include CADDY Camp and Nesheemah Kids Yoga Teacher Training (NKYTT). CADDY Camp, which stands for Circus, Art, Drama, Dance and Yoga, was a creative arts camp that I created and directed for 10 years for 6-11 yr. olds. NKYTT is a 95-hr. Yoga Alliance Accredited Children’s Yoga Teacher Training and is a RCYS (Registered Children’s Yoga School).
In 2017, I began a program for executives, called Lead, Women, which is an online community of women leaders providing resources to support career goals, personal aspirations, and practicing mindfulness.
I completed Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training, and I hold E-RYT-200 as well as RCYT Yoga Alliance accreditations and I am a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher Trainer.
For the past 25 years, I have presented at national conferences, professional development and inservice school days, and at corporations.
I have also custom designed programming for both public school districts as well as for private schools.
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